Dear Riverdale Heights Families,
Coming home to you soon will be your child's custom catalog for the Square 1 Art fundraiser. Get a head start, and start ordering keepsakes and gifts featuring your child's art online NOW, if you like! Simply search for your child's art using Art Search, and enter state, school name, and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear, and you may order! Order by: 11/15/2023
With a change in seasons, along with upcoming Halloween parties, please read through the following information to help you and your child be prepared.
HALLOWEEN - Halloween parties will be held in children’s classrooms following our Halloween parade. As we continue to keep the building as secure as possible during the school day, only 2 adult guests (the room parent and another parent helper, arranged with the room parent) will be allowed to be in classrooms from 2:00 - 3:00 to help prepare for the parade and help in facilitating the classroom party. Students should bring their costumes to school, as we will allow time for students to put their costumes on prior to the parade and classroom party. As a reminder, all snacks for the parties should be found on the Spartan Safe Snack List.
If weather permits, we will hold our Halloween parade on the soccer field where Walk-A-Thon is held each year. At approximately 2:10 our 4th - 6th grade students will form a large oval around the perimeter of the soccer field. At 2:15 our office staff will lead grades K-2 from the building around the perimeter of the soccer field, wrapping back to the building for classroom parties. Parents who would like to attend can come out to watch the parade portion of our festivities. We will also live stream the parade on our PTA Facebook page.
Please avoid parking in our pick up areas out front after the parade so that the parking lot is ready for student dismissal at 3:00.
Reminder: Costumes may not include any kind of toy weapon (knives, swords, etc.). They should not depict violent acts or the results of violence through the use of fake blood, etc. Please be mindful that our school community encompasses children of all ages and costumes should not be frightening to others.
Jennifer Richardson "At Riverdale Heights families and teachers value each other and work together, because YOU matter." #YOUmatterRVDH
Monday, October 30 | NO SCHOOL | Fall Break
Wednesday, November 1 | EARLY OUT | Early Out Reading Theme Day - "Reading Gives Us SuperPowers" (dress as your favorite superhero)
Thank you to our Riverdale Heights community for generously donating to make our sensory wall vision come to life! Stop by and see (and touch) it during conferences!
Click here to review the upcoming teacher appreciation donations needed:
Click here to support our fall conference dinners:!/showSignUp/8050D4CA9AA29A3FA7-45454082-conference
Note to families - the PTA Facebook page is set up to be as safe as possible for our kids and our school. In order to join the page, you will be asked two simple security questions. Make sure to respond to those questions when prompted.
Stay up to date on events on our Facebook page or our website:
Scholastic Book Fair: We are building our amazing volunteer team to help our Riverdale Heights community find their next favorite book. Please join us in volunteering during this amazing weeklong event. Without volunteers our book fair wouldn’t be possible. RH Book Fair: Scholastic Book Fair - November 2023 (
Elementary Progress Reports: In preparation for parent-teacher conferences, Term 1 Progress Reports will be accessible through your Campus Parent Portal account on Monday, November 6.
To access the Progress Reports in the Portal, select Documents from the left side navigation, make sure the current school year is selected, and click on the appropriate grade level "Progress Report". If you have multiple students, select another using the student switcher in the upper right.
If you do not have a Campus Parent Portal account, contact your building main office to obtain one.
Free & Reduced Meals: Families must complete an application for Free & Reduced meals annually. Applications from last year expired on 10/6/2023. If you have not completed an application for this school year, please log in to your Parent Portal Account here. Please note that the Free and Reduced application must be accessed from the Portal website link above; it is not available through the Portal Mobile App.
· Once logged in, click the link for “Applications/Forms” on the left
· Select “Click to start meal benefit application”
· After your application has been processed you will receive a notification in your parent portal inbox.
· If you are unable to complete the online application please click here.
If you have questions about our Food Service Program, please contact Food Service Director, Corie Gamble, at 563-332-5550 or
Less than 2 weeks left to donate to the Student Hunger Drive! If you have already donated in some way, THANK YOU! If not, please consider making a donation online using THIS LINK!
Trick or Treat?! The Student Hunger Drive is asking for your help!! On October 28th, 31st, and November 4th, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm, Spartan Assembly members will be visiting PV neighborhoods asking for donations. This is your chance to help the Riverbend Food Bank feed hundreds of people, and help our school win the Student Hunger Drive for the 6th year in a row. Every contribution counts. We will be accepting cans, cash, and non-perishable food. Don't feel like shopping, donate online HERE!
Friday of Frights | Friday October 27th 1-4pm at PVHS. $3 admission (or 3 food items for the hunger drive) second time through $1 (or 1 food item for the hunger drive) This event is a shared fundraiser for drama club and the student hunger drive.
PVHS Choral Boosters Winter Greenery Fundraiser: This is a wonderful fundraiser with a high-quality product. Sales can be done online by using this link; delivery is done via direct shipment to you. We encourage you to obtain your fresh winter greenery by purchasing through the choir. They also make excellent gifts that can be shipped anywhere in the country! All proceeds go to the Pleasant Valley Choral Boosters, who support vocal music at all grade levels, district-wide. The sales period ends November 2.
PV Spartan Drama: This fall, the high school will be presenting the "tale as old as time", Beauty and the Beast, as our annual musical.
Performances are November 2 and 4 at 7pm and November 5 at 2pm. Tickets can be purchased here.
Enchanted Tea Party on Sunday, November 5th from 12:30-4:30pm. The event includes sweet treats, crafts, a meet and greet and photo op with Belle, and tickets (1 adult, 1 child) to the 2pm showing of Beauty and the Beast for students in grades K-8. Signups are available in the store on Infinite Campus.
Senior Citizen Open Dress Rehearsal Wednesday, November 1st, 1:30 p.m. RSVP to or 563-564-2971, no cost to attend.
PV Baseball Apparel Store: Winter apparel store is live until October 29th! Get all your PV Baseball apparel for the holiday season.
PV Baseball Winter Camp is now open! Please join the High School Baseball Program for their annual winter baseball camp. Register through your child's infinite campus student portal.