Looking to play a more active role within our Riverdale Heights school community? Consider leading one of our PTA Committees - many Vice-Chair positions are available with support from existing members. For inquiries about specific roles, contact PTA VP Katelyn Darling at katelyn@katelyndarling.com. Get involved today!
Yearbook - yearbook is looking for a few lead volunteers to come to the school on various days (at their schedule), take pictures at all class holiday parties, and then upload photos to the Lifetouch Yearbook web portal. You do not need to have a professional camera to do this job a phone camera works!
VIP/Grandfriends Day Chairperson - PTA is looking for someone to work with the teacher committee on this event. This person would represent the PTA, assist with gathering parent volunteers order any food and beverage necessary, and stay within PTA's event budget.
School Supply Boxes - Volunteer Position FILLED
Sixth Grade Parent Leadership Committee - the sixth graders traditionally host two events for our school, Pancake Breakfast and Donuts with Grown Ups. All of the proceeds from these events are utilized by the sixth grade for their end-of-the-year celebration and the class legacy gift. Parents of this committee would organize these events and work with the sixth-grade teachers.
