at Riverdale Heights Elementary
Friday, October 18th
Join your Riverdale Heights community in celebrating Halloween! Parking spaces are pre-registered (they are free) so Reserve Your Spot NOW! The last day to register for a parking spot is Thursday, October 17th. Reservations are required to make sure enough spaces are available in the school parking lot.
Arrive & Set-Up at pre-registered parking spots: 5:30-6:30pm
TRUNK or TREAT - All Are Welcome! - 6:30pm - 7:30pm
I don’t understand... what is Trunk or Treat?
Trunk or Treat is when cars that have pre-registered their parking spots come and set up their ‘trunks’ of their vehicles where they are open and hand out candy to trick or treaters that come to the event. If you register for a spot you come early to set up if not, you just come at the treating time. There is no parking in the lot except for those participating with a trunk or volunteers.
Why do I have to register a parking spot?
If you plan on parking on Riverdale Heights property for the trunk or treat and participate by handing out candy a spot must be registered (parking spots are free). There is limited parking at Riverdale Heights and this is how we are able to guarantee parking spots to those that have purchased items to decorate their trunks.
If you don’t want to register a parking spot that is totally ok, you just need to park in the adjacent neighborhoods and walk for the treating portion of the event.
How to I register for a parking spot?
Parking spots are available for free by registering on our website, click the orange button above. They are first come first serve with only 68 spots available in our main parking lot. There are 650 students at Riverdale Heights.
Ok, I registered for a parking spot – now what?
On Friday, October 18th – please arrive and set up your trunk from 5:30 – 6:30PM. When you arrive at Riverdale Heights, volunteers will help point you towards your parking spot. Then once you park your vehicle, pop your trunk, get comfortable and start setting up your decorations in preparation for treaters to arrive at 6:30 PM. PLEASE do not begin handing our candy until the trunk or treating start time of 6:30PM.
Do I need to bring my own candy or items to hand out at my vehicle?
It is strongly encouraged for each registered vehicle to bring their own candy or item to hand out. Each registered vehicle will receive some candy or item from PTA to help supplement your own candy. We have approximately 650 students at Riverdale Heights and in 2023 we had about 100 families participate (150-200 kids). Please do not hand out any political materials - remember this is for the kids!
Is there a contest for the best trunk?
Since this is a free event for parking spots and for all trick or treaters we do not have a fundraiser budget for this event. Therefore, prizes will not be awarded. However, it should still be an awesome family friendly fun event! Feel free to decorate and get into the Halloween spirit - we know our Riverdale Heights community is looking forward to seeing your creations.
I don’t want to register and get a parking spot, but can I still come?
Yes, you can still come and participate in the treating portion of trunk or treat. Please arrive any time after 6:30 PM; as the trunk or treating will go from 6:30-7:30 PM.
Do we come in costume?
YES, please bring your students in costumes (family friendly please) and if adults want to dress up as well that would be great! Remember, this is NOT a student drop off event - please join us as a family.
If you still have questions or would like to donate to this event, please email our PTA Parent Volunteers Becca Poirier and Emily Pierson for more information.
Reserve your Spot!