Dear Riverdale Heights Families,
Welcome back from Winter Break! I hope the break provided you an opportunity to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. The New Year's snow certainly provided an opportunity to stay in and enjoy family time.
With the snow, I thought it would be helpful to send a few winter weather reminders:
Recess is held outdoors any time the "feels like" temperature is 0 degrees or higher. Please make sure your children are dressing appropriately for the weather outside. If students wish to play in the snow at recess we require snow boots and snow pants.
Our school doors open at 8:15 each day, with outdoor supervision beginning at 8:00. Any student arriving before 8:15 needs to participate in our Fit 4 Life Program, walking laps around the primary / intermediate playgrounds. Fit 4 Life is moved inside when snow removal is an issue and/or rain and inclement weather exist. Please do not drop your children off before 8:00 and remember to have them dressed appropriately to be outside until doors open.
School breaks also provide an opportunity to remind families about arrival and dismissal procedures. With added snow in the parking lot, it is even more important that everyone follows procedures to ensure student safety.
Continue to pull all the way up in the drop off lanes at arrival and dismissal. We work to get as many cars into the lot as possible to keep traffic flow moving. Please remain in your vehicle and allow staff to help your student(s) enter and exit vehicles.on the right hand passenger side. If you plan to exit your vehicle please find a place to park in our parking lot or on side streets. Vehicles in our parking lot must park if families choose to exit their vehicle. Parking and waiting for your child along the side of the building (along the gymnasium side) poses traffic and safety concerns and therefore is prohibited.
We will be reviewing procedures and expectations with all students, including those for dismissal while waiting for a bus or a family pick-up. Students are asked to remain off technology devices during this time. If your child needs to review an after school communication from a family member, we ask that they check their cell phones as they pack up and prepare for dismissal during the last 5 minutes of the school day.
It truly takes teamwork for procedures to run smoothly and I appreciate your time and attention to these items.
Looking forward to the start of 2022! Happy New Year!