Hybrid / Online Home Days - With our 2020 - 2021 learning model, partnership is more important than ever. Our teachers are working hard to prepare lessons that allow for independent practice on "home days" and online teachers are using work completed to differentiate and plan for student needs. When children ask for help, our tendency is to help them and make sure all the answers are right. However, we want to make sure the work students turn in is their best effort and their mistakes let us know what they still need to learn. Please make sure your student is engaged in learning and gives their best effort, knowing that teachers will use what they accomplish to guide the instruction provided. Drop-off and Pick Up - During inclement weather and everyday, please ensure that you are pulling as far forward as possible in our drop off / pick up lanes. We want to avoid any backups on Devil's Glen. It is also not safe for students to cross lanes without using the crosswalks. Meals for 100% Online students and Hybrid At-Home Days: If you are interested in meal service during the school year, we will have meals available each week for 100% online and hybrid at-home days. You must fill out this form every week by Monday at 6:00am to register for the meals. Meals will be available for pick up every day from 1:00pm-1:15pm at PVHS in the bus drop off area. *Please note the time change. PVHS Preschool: As part of our Child Development classes, PVHS students operate a preschool at the high school that is supervised by Mrs. Debbie Claussen. There are currently a few openings. PVHS Preschool normally enrolls twelve 3 to 5-year-olds, but this semester we are enrolling 6 preschoolers. PVHS Preschool will meet Tuesdays and Wednesdays this semester from 8:20 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. High school students enrolled in Child Development do the actual planning, observing, and teaching of the preschool children in a variety of activities. The high school students develop learning experiences for the children in the areas of art, math, science, music, storytelling, food and safety. We stress socialization skills for the preschoolers but we cover all the areas listed above. If you are interested in enrolling your preschooler, please contact Debbie Claussen for more details at claussendebbie@pleasval.org Child Care Survey: The QC Chamber of Commerce and United Way is asking that all PV families take this short survey about how you are handling childcare through this pandemic. This information will be used to support employers and provide information to key childcare partners in the region. Please take this survey by September 16 at 5:00pm. Run with Carl: Run with Carl is Going the Social Distance this year! Run a 5k at your own pace and snap a pic and post with the hashtag #RWC2020. Donate and get your shirt at this webstore! It’s only open until September 13. Proceeds support scholarships for Pleasant Valley seniors. Funds from this race allow us to award all of our scholarships, and because we missed our largest fundraiser in the spring of 2020, we need you more than ever! Learn more about Run with Carl here. PTA Meeting, September 15th, 6:30pm: Join us for our first PTA Meeting of the year, virtually! The meeting will feature Q&A with Principal, Jennifer Richarson and our Guest Speaker will be our new librarian, Katie Rokusek. Please feel free to submit questions ahead of time to pta.riverdaleheights@gmail.com to make sure your questions are answered! Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/rwt-ximk-hjs PTA Reflections: Now is a great time for students to start working on their 2020-2021 Reflections entries! The theme for this year is "I Matter Because..." Entries will be collected at the Riverdale Heights front office at the end of October (exact due date TBD). Entries can be in the form of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. For more information, please visit: https://www.pta.org/home/programs/reflections PVHS Athletics: Spectators will be limited at all home PVHS athletic events. A PV issued gate pass + admission will gain entry to the event. Without a PV issued gate pass, no entry will be granted even with a Staff Badge, Student Activity Pass or Century Club Pass. For the full protocols, click here. We will be video streaming tonight’s Varsity football game on youtube through this link starting at 6:45pm. Audio streaming is available here provided by QC Sports Net.