Dear Riverdale Heights Families,
We will be making some slight modifications to our dismissal procedures, as we believe these changes will allow dismissal to move more efficiently. These changes will take effect on Monday, April 25th.
3:00 pm - Classroom teachers will dismiss bus riders, clubs and Y Program students
3:03 pm - All walkers will be dismissed through grade level assigned doors, with the exception of siblings. Older students walking with a sibling should plan for a place in the building to meet, so that they can connect. (This may be at the younger students classroom). Please make sure students understand the plan for your family before coming to school on Monday.
3:05 pm - All car riders will be dismissed and should exit through the front doors of the school.
3:07 pm - All students will have exited the building.
On early dismissal days, students will be dismissed at the following times:
1:30 pm - Bus riders, clubs and Y program students
1:33 pm - Walkers
1:35 pm - Car riders
1:37 pm - All student will have exited the building
This plan is being put into place to create less congestion in the front of the building for rider pick up, along with helping to ensure all students are following their dismissal plans. As always, student safety is our top priority and we believe these slight modifications will help with these efforts.
With any change, we ask for your attention and support.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jennifer Richardson