10-20-2020 PTA Minutes
PTA Business
Budget and Bylaws (Annual approval required)
Fewer fundraisers than unusual, so the budget looks a little different this year. Several are items indicated with a 0.
Looking for more creative ways to fundraise to make up the difference between credits and expenses.
Walkathon may still take place in the spring, but it may look different than in previous years.
CLIMB Theater
At this time, we are not holding assemblies so we have not scheduled our annual visit from CLIMB theater.
Kelli will ask at the next Superintendent meeting if we can repurpose the funds designated for this event.
Spirit Day Shout Outs
A new tradition at school that celebrates the good things that are happening in our building.
Teachers and students nominate others for shout outs
On Fridays, Mrs. Richardson visits classrooms with the Road Runner trophy and celebrates students, classes, and teachers.
Kids put their names in the trophy for a drawing for Whitey’s gift card, or similar prize.
Fundraiser opportunity for this year; possible line item for future
Room Parent Info - Adrienne Wheeler, Chair
Email check-in with lead room parents last week.
Cute and fun things are happening, despite not having parties
Class pen pals, supply drives, virtual lunches
Let Adrienne know if you need anything.
Staff Appreciation - Dounia Sareini, Chair
Thanks to everyone who contributed to Stock the Lounge!
Next event: Conference Dinner on Thurs, Nov 5
Not Family Style, individually packaged dinners
Best way to help is through monetary donations
Sign up coming soon
Thank you from the teachers for your generosity!
Book Fair - Katelyn Darling, Chair
A Virtual Book Fair will be held Nov 5-18th
Book Fair Flyers coming home with students first week of Nov.
New shopping experience available
“Walk” through a virtual book fair, listen to a book talk, purchase right from the “shelf”
Katie Rokusek is helping with book talks and wish lists when students visit the library.
Reflections Theme 2020-2021
I matter because…
Deadline coming up! Please return entries by October 30.
Upcoming Fundraisers - Adrienne Wheeler
THIS Saturday, Oct. 24!!
5:00-9:00 pm
Promo code for online orders: VCWL3DV
We will receive 33% of sales/orders.
This is an awesome return!
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Beginning Nov 2
Online orders only by link
Link will be live for about a week and a half
Drive through pick up at RH on Friday, Nov 13th
We will receive $2 for every cake that is sold.
Early Dec
In person, online orders
We will receive 20% of sales
Other fundraisers are being researched
Schwans, Your Pie, Portillo’s
Giving Tree - Nicole Puryear, Chair
We will not be able to put it up this year as we have done before
Looking for ideas on how to make this a successful thing for teachers
Sign up genius?
Room parents send email with sign up genius and help manage within classrooms?
Guest Speakers- Dr Cindy Lewis and Dr. Darcie Kress, Standard Based Grading and Our New Report Cards
What standards entail
Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies
21st Century Skills, Universal Constructs
Recommended standards for PE, Fine Arts
Using the report card as a communication tool
Looking at the end goal
How do we help students become college and career ready?
Considering outcomes for graduates
Examples of how standards build through the grades (RL.2)
2010 Iowa Core adoption
2014 ELA Unit Adoption: Unwrapping Standards
2016 HOM/HOI
Begin roll out of K-6 Math Best Practices
Inquiry-based, deeper thinking than traditional, critical thinking skills
2017 Project Lead the Way (Science)
2018 Fundations
K-3, Phonics based program
Supports fluency and comprehension in reading
2019 Standards Based Advisory Team
Gathering teacher and parent feedback
2019 Professional Learning
Technology: Seesaw
Development of new Social Studies Units
Professional Support Book Studies - Standards Based Learning
2020 Standards Based Report Card
Indicators of Mastery of End of Year Standards
B: Having a little bit of struggle. Teachers will communicate what supports are in place to help the child continue to grow.
P: Some learning toward mastery
PM: On track toward mastery
M: Fully, deeply understanding the entire standard
Example of learning progression toward mastery
Math Standards are grouped in clusters
Science K-2 has not been included in the report card for 2020-21
Children are still receiving science instruction, but it might be more embedded in literacy instruction
Social Emotional standards and Work Habits will not be included with every report card this year, but they are still being instructed
Purpose of grading is to communicate proficiency with the academic standards
Gives a picture of the whole child
Communicates what the child has learned
New page on PV web site about standards based grading
Math Facts?
Committee of teachers learning about math fact fluency
Better ways to teach and assess than timed test
Timed tests can be stressful, so we are placing less emphasis on them
Teaching strategies
Building and measuring fluency in more authentic ways, digging deeper than memorization
Still expect students to recall at a rapid pace, but with deeper understanding
Special Ed
Students are still working on the same standards
Strong collaborations between classroom and special ed teachers
Accommodations (highlighting, more time, color overlay) v. modifications (changing the task)
Can the child meet grade level standards with supports as described in the IEP?
Mailing copies of the report card at the end of next week
Not intending to mail copies of the handbook, but you can ask for a printed copy in the office
Principal Jennifer Richardson- Announcements and Q&A
This has been a challenging year for everyone, but great things are happening in our school!
It has never been more important to have positive partnerships between home and school
Please be sure to sign up for conferences!
Teachers have been encouraged to focus on supporting students and families, as well as academics, during conferences.
How is this year going?
What is going well?
What can I help you with?
Plan to bring your questions and concerns to your conference meeting
District Tutor list?
Can we make sure this resource is updated and shared with families?
Flu shot clinic will be rescheduled
Picture Day(s)
November 6 (Hybrid B, online learners after 1:40)
November 9 (Hybrid A)
Open Forum: Questions, comments, suggestions, ideas
Next PTA Meeting: November 17th, 6:30pm (virtual)
Miscellaneous Business
Where can I find PTA info?
Riverdale Heights Elementary PTA on Facebook
Enews in your email each Friday!
Send submissions for Enews to Kelli by Wednesday afternoon, cc Jennifer Richardson
How can I get in touch with PTA?
Email Kelli Hehlke: pta.riverdaleheights@gmail.com
Visit our website! https://www.riverdaleheightspta.com