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October 9th eNews

A Message from the Principal: As we prepare to wrap up the first term, we have learned important information about each individual student’s progress and learning. It is our goal, as always, to provide instruction to meet individual learning needs - whether that’s practicing skills not mastered yet or providing enrichment for students who are ready for more. Moving forward, students may receive special education, reading support, extended learning (ELP), and English as a Second Language (ESL) services in small groups outside their homeroom. Grouping children for personalized intervention will happen with the approval of the principal and only if social distancing can be achieved. We are committed to keeping students in cohorts and classrooms for the majority of the day and during those less structured times of lunch and recess. Our hybrid model allows us to minimize possible exposure to COVID-19.  We believe that our mitigation efforts are working to keep students and staff healthy, and we will continue our commitment to using face covering, social distancing, hand washing/sanitizing, and surface cleaning practices that are already in place.  If you have questions or concerns about this change, please reach out to me. We would be happy to discuss any questions or concerns. Jennifer Richardson, Riverdale Heights Principal A/B Calendar through January 15: Please look at this calendar for our Hybrid learning days.  Note that Fridays may be different than you anticipated. Conferences:  Parent-Teacher Conferences will be virtual this year.  More information will come along with the sign-up process on October 16. Parking Lot:  Please use the crosswalks in the parking lot and make sure to pull up all the way in the drop-off and pick-up lanes. Free Meals for All Students: As a reminder, all school lunches and breakfast are free at this time. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. We will have meals available each week for 100% online and hybrid at-home days. You must fill out this form every week by Monday at 6:00am to register for the meals. Meals will be available for pick up every day from 10:30am-11:00am at PVHS in the bus drop off area.  Flu Shots: We are pleased to offer free seasonal flu shots for all K-6 students through the Genesis Flu-Free Quad Cities program.  If you would like your child to receive a free flu vaccine please REGISTER ONLINE. Riverdale Heights Elementary is scheduled for Monday, October 19th from 8:30 - 11:30am.  Participating Hybrid A students will be escorted from class to the building clinic location.  Hybrid B students and 100% online learners who have registered for a shot should arrive at the school at their convenience between 8:30 and 11:30.  A volunteer will guide you to the location.  All people must be masked and maintain distance until it is your turn to enter the area.  School Pictures will be November 6th and November 9th.  For our 100% online learners, you may November 6 after 1:40pm. Halloween: We invite our students to wear their costumes all day either on October 29 or October 30!  Because of social distancing, we will not be having a parade or parties this year. 

  • Those wearing costumes need to wear a face covering.

  • Costumes may not include any kind of toy weapon (knives, swords, etc.).  

  • They should not depict violent acts or the results of violence through the use of fake blood, etc.  

  • Please be mindful that our school community encompasses children of all ages and costumes should not be frightening to others.  

PTA Reflections: Do you enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then join us and have fun unleashing your inner artist with PTA Reflections! This year’s theme, I Matter Because… calls for your own unique interpretation through the arts. Click these links for How to Enter, Official Rules and Entry Form. Reflections projects are due on October 28th, 29th and 30th. A Reflections chairperson will be present to collect entries before school on October 28th and 29th(8:00 - 8:30am) and after school on October 30th (2:00 - 2:30pm). For inspiration, please visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships at Questions, please email: 5th and 6th Grade Choir: While in the hybrid schedule, choir will look different at the elementary schools this year. Please visit this information sheet to read more and visit this google form to sign up!  PVGBB Web Store is OPEN Click here for more information. Bettendorf Parks and Recreation & Family Museum: A Drive-In Movie Event!  Saturday, October 17th Enjoy a family-friendly movie from the comfort of your own car! Each car will receive three parking spots: one to park your car, one to set up chairs and blankets (if you want), and one for social distancing. Guests are welcome to bring their own food and drinks (no alcohol, please). The movie, Hotel Transylvania, will be displayed on a large screen. The sound will be played through speakers and broadcast over the radio so everyone can hear! There will be a Halloween-themed backdrop photo op to capture the memory of the evening. Pets are not allowed. Spots are first come, first served.  Rain date is Oct. 24th.  Doors open at 6pm, Movie starts at 7:30pm.  $20 per car ($35 at the gate) – click here to register TODAY!  Sponsored by Friends of the Bettendorf Parks Foundation.  Movie shown in the Family Museum Parking Lot 2900 Learning Campus Drive.

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