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eNews 12.16.2022

Writer's picture: Riverdale Heights eNewsRiverdale Heights eNews

Dear Riverdale Heights Families,

Stay Home if You’re Sick: We are seeing very high numbers of illness in all Pleasant Valley schools. Several buildings are over ten percent absent with confirmed influenza, strep, covid, fever, and vomiting. Please keep your student home if they are not feeling well. We are trying to protect our students and staff especially at the holiday season. As always, please reach out to your school nurse if you have questions or concerns.

Safe Snack List Reminder: With the holiday party nearing and a festive mood in the air, a reminder that all snacks/treats given out at school need to be approved through the office. The approval process ensures that all snacks/treats are from the Spartan Safe Snack List.

December 21: Early Dismissal, 1:30pm December 21: Winter Party, 1:00pm December 22-January 2: Winter Break

Battle of the Books: Students in grades 4, 5, and 6 have the opportunity to participate in the Iowa Children’s Choice Battle of the Books. The Battle of the Books is an organized competition where teams across Scott County compete using their knowledge of the 2022-2023 Iowa Children’s Choice list. The battle creates excitement over books, rewards a love of reading, and has become a rite of passage for many students. Interested students are invited to create teams of 3 readers. Teams will compete at a building level, the 2 winning teams from each building will compete at the District level with other elementary schools from Pleasant Valley, and then the winning PV team will go on to compete against other district teams from across Scott County. For further information and permission slip, please click here.

Children's Theatre Workshops (Grades K-6), Saturday, January 7, 2023, 9-2:30pm $40: Students will participate in four different workshops from 9-12, have a sack lunch (you provide) and then will move to the theatre to showcase their work and to watch our production of One Bad Apple....

There are two sides to every story and it’s about time the Evil Queen got to tell her own version of the tale! One Bad Apple: The Queen, Snow White, and the Evil Red Delicious is a new twist on the classic fairy tale. In this hilarious, witty and over the top comedy we find out the real reason why the Evil Queen has such a hate on for Snow and her little woodland friends.

Price includes t-shirt, workshops, and admission for the student and a plus one to the performance. Additional tickets to the show may be purchased that day.

Baseball Winter Camp: Join the High School Baseball Program for the 2nd-7th grade winter camp on January 7th! Sign up through the parent portal.

​​​Exchange Student Host Family Needed: The PV Schools and Bettendorf Rotary are looking for a family to host an exchange student for three months beginning either fall, winter or spring of next school year. Only because of the willingness and sincerity of families who have opened their hearts and homes to students they have never met can our local Rotary Youth Exchange Program join the thousands of clubs overseas to make this wonderful opportunity real in our city. In an ever-changing world, it is important that we expose our children, our students and ourselves to areas and people unlike us—it’s how we open our eyes to a global community that shares the same hopes and dreams that we do. What better way to do that than becoming a host family!

You may have 'a million questions' and we have 'a million answers' because we've had great exchange experiences several times over the past few years. Please follow up with an email to Bettendorf Rotarian Harry Coin at or Superintendent Brian Strusz at

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