Dear Riverdale Heights Families,
Spartan Store Open This Saturday! The Spartan Store will be open this Saturday (12/10) from 10-2 for all your holiday shopping needs. Sweatshirts & T-shirts in youth & adult sizes, accessories, and so much more. This will be the last Saturday the store is open before Christmas. The Spartan Store is located across from the pool in the high school. Please enter through the tower doors. Check out our selections at
December 13: PTA Meeting, 6:30pm December 15: Nothing Bundt Cake Orders, 4:00pm-5:30pm December 15: Dine and Donate, Panera on Elmore, 4:00pm-8:00pm December 21: Early Dismissal, 1:30pm December 21: Winter Party, 1:00pm December 22-January 2: Winter Break
PTA wishes everyone a wonderful holiday season and a relaxing holiday break!
Staff Gifts: If you are looking for last minute ideas for teachers or staff, check out the Giving Tree sign up here:
Bundt Cake Distribution Volunteers: We are looking for help with Bundt Cake sale packing and distribution on 12/15 (Thursday). Please considering helping and sign up here:
Dine and Donate: You have one more chance before the new year to participate in a Dine and Donate event. This time Panera is supporting Riverdale Heights on 12/15. Simply go to the Elmore Panera location, order online or pick up and mention Riverdale Heights for 20% back! More details to come, but save the date for a yummy dinner!
LeClaire Library: Check out the December programs!