Dear Riverdale Heights Families,
Student Hunger Drive: There’s one week left to reach our goal of 100,000lbs of donations!
Donate cans or money to your classroom teachers
Don’t like shopping, donate online using this LINK
Attend the following events:
Central Standard Spirit Night: Take a break from cooking Tuesday November 8th and grab dinner at Central Standard! 15% of the proceeds will go directly to the Student Hunger Drive. You can DINE IN OR CARRY OUT! All you have to do is mention PV when ordering. Hours are from 4 to 9 pm!
Veterans Day Assembly: We are looking forward to hosting our Annual Veterans Day Assembly on Friday, November 11, at 9:30 AM. As part of our assembly, it is tradition to invite family members of our students and faculty to honor as a part of the annual event. If you are currently serving or have family members who have served (who would like to attend), please let us know by calling our school office staff to RSVP at 563-332-0525 by Thursday, November 10. This will help us in preparing seating for the event.
Work for Pleasant Valley: We are looking for a few good people to join our food service team. Hours are during the school day - so it’s perfect for those who like to be at home with their kids. Look at all the opportunities at PV here.
Iowa Waiver Programs and Health Insurance Premium Program Presentation: Please join the Pleasant Valley Student Services Department and the Department of Human Services for an evening of information on the Iowa Waiver Programs and HIPP (Health Insurance Premium Program). This session will be November 17th at 6:00pm in the PVHS Theatre. The Iowa Waiver is not income based; it is about providing services for your student. Social interactions, respite for parents, and supported community living. Learn more about the presentation here.
Learn about PV’s Scholarship Program: Imagine if there were a scholarship for every PV student. There could be - and you could help make it happen. The Pleasant Valley Educational Foundation is hosting an informal workshop to discuss the scholarship program and the opportunities available to invest in PV’s students. Join us on November 16 at 6:30pm in the PVHS Commons. RSVP to Beth Marsoun at
November 11 Veterans Day Assembly November 15 PTA Meeting, 6:30pm November 16 Early Dismissal, 1:30pm November 18 PTA Bingo, 6:00pm
On behalf of Emily Pierson and Becca Poirier (Truck or Treat committee co-chairs), we would like to extend our sincerest Thank you for your participation in Truck or Treat! There were so many creative trunks! This event would not be a success without all of you. We hope to see you out again next year.
PTA would like to thank everyone who donated and contributed to this year‘s fall teacher conference dinner this week. We know our teachers and staff appreciate the fuel on these late nights!
Square one art order forms were sent home this week in backpacks. If you have not received yours please check your child’s backpack. All orders must be placed no later than November 11. No paper orders will be accepted, all orders must be completed online this year.
Please save the date for the following PTA events:
Monday, November 14th, 4-9pm Dine and Donate at Happy Joe's in Bettendorf! This was a huge hit last year so we are bringing it back. 15% of all sales come back to PTA when you mention Riverdale Heights at check out. Monday Night Family Meal Deal is a large pizza and 2 liter of soda for $23.99. We will also be selling $5 coup cards at the door - these have $35 of savings on each card! See you there!
Tuesday, November 15th, 6:30pm is our next PTA meeting in the library.
Save the date for Rock and Roll BINGO! Friday, November 18th 6-8pm in the cafeteria and gym. More details will be shared soon via Facebook.
Our annual Nothing Bundt Cakes sale will launch for ordering (paper forms sent home and online sale) Monday, November 21st! Order pick up will be on 12/15 just in time for the holidays. More details to come on Facebook!
Save the date for pancake breakfast hosted by the six grade class on Saturday, December 3rd 8-10:30am in the cafeteria. Six grade parents please be on the lookout for a sign up to help at the event!
Trap Team Gear: The PV Trap Team holiday store is now open! Order your trap gear before November 8th!
PV Baseball Gear: The PV Baseball apparel store is active for the winter! Do not wait to get all your winter baseball needs!
Choral Boosters: Eat at The Tangled Wood and support the PV Choir program on November 10 from 5:00pm-8:00pm. Mention this flyer.
LeClaire Library: Click here for the November calendar of events.
Mental Health Speaker: Founder of PostSecret, Frank Warren will talk about how he become the world’s Collector of Secrets and what it has taught him along the way. Frank will talk about the impact of sharing your secret as well as the impact it can have on mental health and suicide prevention. Frank Warren and PostSecret have six NYTimes Bestselling Books as well as the largest and longest running ad-free blog, $10, general admission seating, Purchase Tickets Here:
Friendship Island Meeting: The next Friendship Island meeting will be held on Friday, November 11th from 6-8 PM in Brodahl Hall at Augustana College. Friendship Island is an informal, free no-curriculum friendship group for junior high and high school students on the autism spectrum. Contact Stacie M. Greene at staciegreene to register a child or to ask questions. The program is co-sponsored by the Autism Society of the Quad Cities, The Royal Ball Run for Autism, the Augustana College Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and the Augustana Communications Sciences and Disorders Department.