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eNews 10.13.2023

Writer's picture: Riverdale Heights eNewsRiverdale Heights eNews

Dear Riverdale Heights Families,

Student Hunger Drive: The final week of the Food Drive at Riverdale Heights begins on October 16th. Let’s see what we can do to help keep our community full and healthy! The last week is filled with fun dress up days! Please consider bringing a food item to participate!

Monday: Favorite Team Day

Tuesday: Hat Day

Wednesday: PJ Day

Thursday: Crazy Sock Day

Friday: Spartan Pride Day

The Riverdale Heights School Store will be opening on Tuesday, October 3rd! It will be open in the atrium on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15 - 8:25 in the morning. The school store sells items such as pens, pencils, erasers, spiral notebooks, and folders. Our biggest seller is SMENCILs! You can get your very own SMENCIL for only $1.25. The School Store is organized and worked by 5th grade students. Profits are used to buy flowers for the Butterfly Garden (in the back of the school near the Art Room). We also use the profits to donate to local families in need of assistance, as well as local charities.

Visiting Author Cynthia Lord Autographs: On Thursday October 26, Riverdale Heights Elementary has the exciting opportunity to welcome a real-life author! Newbery Honor winner, CYNTHIA LORD, has written many amazing books for kids ranging from kindergarten through upper elementary. Some of our favorite titles of hers include an everybody book series called Hot Rod Hamster and also the chapter books Rules and Because of the Rabbit. Her most recent titles include a non-fiction book about how her family fosters rabbits called Borrowing Bunnies and a new chapter book titled Home Away from Home. Riverdale Heights students are invited to purchase a copy of one of her books anywhere books are sold and send it into school to be autographed on the day of her visit. Books for signing need to be at school by October 19th. Please reach out to Mrs. Rokusek with questions.

Thank you to everyone who donated to our PTA Walk-A-Thon! 278 students turned in donations for a total of $18,854.76. We have big plans this year and will be able to do great things for our teachers and students because of your generosity.

Don’t cook, eat tacos for PTA! Visit Chipotle on Elmore Ave on October 17th from 4-7pm. Use code XAHWCD4 for online ordering.

Our next PTA meeting is Tuesday, October 17th at 6:30 in the library. We will have two guests this month, Tony Hiatt, Director of Elementary Education and Jill Kenyon, Director of Student Services. Please join us!

Get all of your Trunk or Treat info and sign up to attend here:

PTA Reflections: Click here to view PTA Reflections official rules and entry form for the 2023-2024 year.

The Student Hunger Drive Officially kicked off Monday, October 2nd and will run through November 9th. PV's goal this year is 100,000 lbs and we are motivated more than ever after slightly falling short of this goal last year! Be on the lookout for more information from your particular school. In the meantime, please watch this short video and get as excited as we are to help stop hunger in our community! Interested in donating online? Click HERE!

Tonight is the Student Hunger Drive collection night at both the jv and varsity football games against Iowa City West. Spartan Assembly will be collecting monetary and non-perishable donations at all gates. Come out and support your Spartans on and off the field! Spartan Assembly is also teaming up with the Spartan Store at the home football game this Friday. The Spartan Store will donate a percentage of all sales to the Student Hunger Drive. Fill your closet with Spartan apparel while helping out our community.

Spartan Assembly is hosting a spirit day/night at Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday, 10/18, from 12-6 pm! This is an EARLY OUT! Whether you eat lunch or dinner, mention PV when ordering and a percentage of the proceeds will go directly to the Student Hunger Drive on behalf of PV. Spread the word Spartan Nation!

Spartan Stadium reminders: No backpacks, No large bags, No outside food or beverage, No re-entry if you leave, no balls. Come out and support the Spartans!

Pleasant Valley Wrestling: Get ready for the PV Wrestling season! Order your PV Wrestling Apparel HERE!

The Model United Nations Club at PV High School is hosting its annual fundraiser event, International Night, on November 30th. This event invites people from other countries and traditions to share their culture with our community. It is the perfect opportunity to develop a global view and promote diversity in our district. Everyone is invited to come and support the MUN Club in the Highschool Cafeteria from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm. If you are a highschooler who would like to represent their country, fill out this form or this form and if you have any questions, don't doubt on emailing us at any of the following emails:

Club email:

Fundraiser Coordinator:

FLL Explore for students in grades 2-4: Does your child like working with LEGO? Would they like to learn the basics of engineering and problem solving? If so, they would love FLL Explore! In Explore, teams focus on the fundamentals of engineering as they explore real-world problems, learn to design, code, and create unique solutions made with LEGO bricks and powered by LEGO Education SPIKE Essential. Teams will meet twice a week for three weeks from 3:05 until 4:30pm at their school. The season will run tentatively from November 1 until November 21. Please use the link at the bottom of this email to sign up. Registration will be open until October 18. We are also still in extreme need for coaches. No experience is necessary, everything is mapped out for you to follow, and it is only a three week (6 meetings) commitment! You can sign up to coach on the same form below that you use to register your child. Sign Up Link

PV Spartan Drama: This fall, the high school will be presenting the "tale as old as time", Beauty and the Beast, as our annual musical. Performances are November 2 and 4 at 7pm and November 5 at 2pm. Tickets can be purchased here. We are also holding a special event for students in grades K-8. The student and an adult guest can join us for an Enchanted Tea Party on Sunday, November 5th from 12:30-4:30pm. The event includes sweet treats, crafts, a meet and greet and photo op with Belle, and tickets (1 adult, 1 child) to the 2pm showing of Beauty and the Beast. Signups are available in the store on Infinite Campus.

Pleasant Valley Girls Basketball Web Store: The web store is open!! If you have any questions please reach out to Coach Goetz-

Student Illness Reminders: As we begin to see an increase in respiratory illness, we want to remind everyone how to assist in reducing the spread of any communicable disease. Children should stay home for at least 24 hours after instances of vomiting and/or diarrhea and must be fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicine like Tylenol or ibuprofen. Please communicate with the school if your child has been diagnosed with any communicable disease. You can review the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines for Child Illness and Exclusion in Education settings here. The best measures to prevent the spread of communicable diseases are: stay home when you are ill, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, throw used tissues in the garbage, wear a face covering and wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Don’t forget to get extra rest and drink plenty of water.

Parent Consent - SAEBRS Survey: The Social Academic Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) screens students on 19 items that relate to their academic, emotional and social skills. Based on this data, our staff will be able to identify and address each student’s individual needs and help them grow. To be compliant with this new legislation, we ask that you give your consent for your student to complete this survey series if they are in grades Kg, 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6 by October 20, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in your Parent Portal. Only students who have written parent/guardian consent on this form will complete this survey series. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s School Counselor.

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