Dear Riverdale Heights Families,
Thank for your support getting the year started in a positive way. Routines are in place and drop off and pick up seem to be going well As a reminder, students should not arrive prior to 8:00 am and we appreciate you having kids exit vehicles quickly in the designated drop-off zones as it keeps traffic flow moving.
This week, however we have had many children entering school right at or after 8:25am. Today we had more than 10 kids enter the building after 8:25am. As the temperatures drop, more and more families may begin driving to school rather than walking/biking/scooting. Please be planful for this increase in cars during drop off.
Any family dropping off their child after 8:25am needs to have their child enter the building through the main entrance. Children late to school will be given a pass from the office and marked late in Infinite Campus. Please remember that three late/tardy days to school equals one day of absence on a child's attendance record. This information can be found on page 10 of the District Student/Parent Handbook.
Thank you for doing all you can to ensure that students are able to start their school in their classroom at 8:25am each day!
Student Hunger Drive: The Student Hunger Drive kicks off TONIGHT at the Bettendorf vs. PV football game. The Pleasant Valley Spartan Assembly will be hosting our annual "Fill the Truck" event at both the sophomore and varsity games. We will be collecting cans, cash, and other nonersiable food donations at both entrances. Help us to reach our goal of 100,000 pounds and beat Bettendorf by bringing in your donations.
At Riverdale Heights, we’ll start collecting on Monday, October 3th. During this first week, grade levels will compete to bring in the most donations and earn an extra recess. We can’t wait to see what kind of impact our school can make for our community. GO RIVERDALE HEIGHTS!
Riverdale Heights Flu Shot Clinic: The Genesis Flu-Free QC Clinic will be on October 17. Online Registration needs to be completed by October 12. Click here for more information.
Work for Pleasant Valley: Become a part of the Spartan Family! We are looking for paraeducators, an orchestra accompanist and several other positions. Click here to learn about how you can help change the lives of children and still be home when yours are! Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out at!
October 3 4th Grade Orchestra Begins October 3 Visiting Artist October 5 Picture Day October 6 & 7 6th Grade Camp October 11 We Are Riverdale Heights Night October 14 Ballet Quad Cities
Download our calendar here.
Hour of Code: The PVHS Women in STEM club is proud to provide a free after school opportunity for all 3rd & 4th Grade students called “Hour of Code”. The Hour of Code is a brief introduction to computer science. Learn more and register for the October 19th event here.
Respect Officials: PVCSD encourages you to read this IHSAA article about the treatment of referees, umpires and officials at sporting events. Trends show officials are leaving because of how they’re treated by fans faster than new ones are entering it. We know the Spartan Nation will continue to do what’s right!
PTA News: Please save the date for our next dine and donate at ‘Meatballs Subs Bettendorf on October 6th starting at 4pm. Grab a delicious sub or Mac and cheese and mention Riverdale Heights at checkout.
Acre of Warmth: The Bettendorf Rotary is collecting blankets for non-profit agencies who serve homeless or low-income families. You can drop off new or gently used blankets (please wash and dry!) in the vestibule of your school. Just look for the collection box starting October 3 until December 2. Don’t have any spare blankets? You can make a donation at ($30 will buy 4 new blankets)
Quest for Christ is returning to Riverdale Heights on Friday October 14th! This will take place in the gym from 7:30am-8:15am on Friday mornings. It is open to any child attending Riverdale Heights. Quest for Christ is 45 minutes of games, fun, small group discussion, worship, friends,and a Bible lesson. If you are interested in registering for this free program, please register here. Questions: email Nicole at