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eNews 09.23.2022

Dear Riverdale Heights Families,

Bike Riders: Please start walking with your bike as soon as you enter the school grounds.

  • Those who come through the front of the building: start walking with your bike at the main entrance crosswalks. We worry about students riding around moving traffic and buses in the parking lot.

  • Those students who ride on the bike path from the primary playground to Ashford Road may ride bikes on the bike path. They must begin walking bikes once they reach the playground.

Thank you for our continued partnership to keep our kids safe at school.

Americorps Reading Tutors: We need your help! Due to some unexpected circumstances, we are currently looking for two Americorps reading tutors - one at Riverdale Heights and one at Cody. Americorps reading tutors work in our schools with students who need extra help. There is a stipend and training. No experience is required! Please contact Director of Elementary Education, Tony Hiatt, at 563-332-5550 if you are interested in working to make Spartans the best they can be!

Health Screenings: The following health screenings take place at school: 1. Vision- 1st and 5th graders 2. Blood Pressure- 6th graders 3. Hearing- The AEA will conduct Hearing Screens for K, 1st, 2nd, 5th graders and all new students to the district. You will be notified of any concerns resulting from these screenings. These screenings should NOT replace regular checkups with your pediatrician. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school. You can notify the school in writing if you wish to opt out of these screenings. As a reminder, all kindergarten students are required to provide a vision and dental screening to the school. All 3rd grade students are required to provide a vision screening to the school.

Riverdale Heights Flu Shot Clinic: The Genesis Flu-Free QC Clinic will be on October 17. Online Registration needs to be completed by October 12. Click here for more information. Work for Pleasant Valley: Become a part of the Spartan Family! We have several positions open, including:

  • Orchestra Accompanist

  • Paraeducators

    • 2 needed at Forest Grove

    • 2 needed at Pleasant View

    • 1 needed at PVJH

    • 1 needed at PVHS

  • Substitute Teachers. Click here to learn about self-guided authorization.

Click here to learn about how you can help change the lives of children and still be home when yours are! Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out at! Exchange Student Host Family Needed: The PV Schools and Bettendorf Rotary are looking for a family to host an exchange student in the spring of 2023. Without the willingness and sincerity of families who have opened their hearts and homes to students they have never met, the Rotary Youth Exchange Program would not exist. In an ever-changing world, it is important that we expose our children, our students and ourselves to areas and people unlike us—it’s how we open our eyes to a global community that shares the same hopes and dreams that we do. What better way to do that than becoming a host family! You may have 'a million questions' and we have 'a million answers' because we've had great exchange experiences several times over the past few years. Please follow up with an email to Bettendorf Rotarian Harry Coin at or Superintendent Brian Strusz at Upcoming Event Days October 3 Visiting Artist October 5 Picture Day October 6 & 7 6th Grade Camp Did you know you can download your school’s calendar right to your digital calendar? Click here. PTA Reflections: Do you enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then join us and have fun unleashing your inner artist with PTA Reflections! This year’s theme, “Show Your Voice!” calls for your own unique interpretation through the arts. Click here for How to Enter, Official Rules and Entry Form. Reflections projects are due to your school on October 26th and 27th. A Reflections chairperson will be present to collect entries before school on October 26th and 27th. For inspiration, please visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships at Questions, please email:" Student Hunger Drive: Hello Spartan Nation! The Student Hunger Drive kicks off Friday, September 30, 2022 at the Bettendorf vs. PV football game. The Pleasant Valley Spartan Assembly will be hosting our annual "Fill the Truck" event at both the sophomore and varsity games. We will be collecting cans, cash, and other nonersiable food donations at both entrances. Help us to reach our goal of 100,000 pounds and beat Bettendorf by bringing in your donations. See you next Friday! Pleasant Valley Girls Basketball Saturday Youth Clinics: Click here for information about our fall youth girls basketball clinics. If you have any questions PLEASE email Coach Goetz at

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