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eNews 09.10.2021

Pick Up: As a reminder, please stay in your vehicle when you pick up your child and have them enter and exit your vehicle from the passenger side of the vehicle. We are having students cross between cars, and it is holding up traffic as well. We need everyone's cooperation to create a safe and efficient pick up.

Stay Home When Sick: We have seen a high number of students visiting the health office within the first hour of school. As a reminder, a child should be kept home when the child’s illness causes one or more of the following:

  • Elevated temperature (fever defined as >100 degrees will be sent home and can return after fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication)

  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea (can return after 24 hours with no vomiting/diarrhea)

  • Child feels unwell: cough, low grade temp, headache, sore throat, allergies that causes disruption and/or prevents the child from participating comfortably in learning.

  • An acute change in behavior: lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, or new rash.

When in doubt please contact your personal health care provider. We appreciate you working with us to promote the health and safety of our PV community.

Student Directories : The Student Directories for the 21-22 school year are now available. To view the directory for your building, please log into your Campus Parent Portal Account and click the link posted under the Message Center Announcements. The directories are accurate up to early-September of this year. As a reminder, the information contained in these documents should be used expressly for the intent of being able to contact other guardians, relative to PTA or school activities. This information should not be used for personal or commercial endeavors by any family or staff member. The information in these documents should not be distributed or shared with third parties.

PVHS Preschool Opportunity: We have a few openings in our Pleasant Valley High School Preschool. As part of our Child Development classes, we operate a preschool at the high school that is supervised by Mrs. Debbie Claussen but run by the high school students. PVHS Preschool enrolls 3 to 5-year-olds, and meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00am to noon starting September 20 and through May. The high school students develop learning experiences for the children in areas of art, math, science, music, storytelling, food and safety. We also stress socialization skills. If you are interested in enrolling your preschooler, please contact Debbie Claussen at

Events Moved to Spring: In the interest of keeping school safe and limiting exposure for all people, we will revisit having our "We Are Riverdale Heights" and "Grandparents/Special Friends Day" in the spring of 2022. These events were previously scheduled for October.

Dates To Put On Your Home Calendars

September 13: MAP Testing Begins September 21: PTA Popsicles on the Playground, 5:30pm September 21: PTA Meeting, 6:30pm September 24: PTA Walk-A-thon

PTA Meeting and Popsicles, Tuesday 9/21/21, 5:30pm: Come join the PTA and bring your students for a free popsicle on the RH Playground - then please feel free to stay for the PTA meeting that begins at 6:30PM in the Library.

Walk-A-Thon is coming up on Friday, September 24. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for our school. Keep an eye out for more information coming home with your student next week.

4th Grade Orchestra Sign-Ups: It’s not too late to sign up for orchestra! All 4th grade students are welcome to join orchestra (as well as 5th and 6th grade students!) See the PV Orchestra Website for more information including registration. All interested 4th grade students are welcome to attend our Orchestra Information Night & Instrument Petting Zoo on Monday, September 13th at 6:30 PM at PV Junior High, which will be held in-person and made available virtually. Please contact Mr. Lee Starovich if you have any questions!

PV Cheer Clinic: Click here to learn about the cheer clinic and performance at a Spartan Football Game!

QCIA Girls in Aviation Day: The Quad Cities International Airport Girls in Aviation Day is September 25, 2021. Sessions start at 10:00am and end at 4:00pm. Click here to learn more.

Donate Used Band Instruments: Do you have an old band instrument sitting in a basement closet, untouched and unused? Donate it to One Eighty. We will tune them up and get them in the hands of students. Donations can be brought to the One Eighty campus at 601 N Marquette in Davenport Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 4 pm.

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