Dear Riverdale Heights Families,
22-23 COVID-19: Welcome back! We've had a few questions about new guidance regarding Schools and COVID-19. We've answered to the best of our ability below. As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to your school nurse.
When should a student or staff member stay home from school?
New guidance has been released by the CDC and IDPH regarding isolation practices for schools. People who have tested positive for COVID-19 must stay home and isolate themselves from other people for at least 5 full days. People with COVID-19 can end isolation after 5 full days only if they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and if other symptoms have improved. Students and staff with COVID-19 should wear a well-fitting mask when around others at home and in public for an additional 5 days after the end of their isolation. If the individual is unable to wear a mask, he or she will continue to isolate at home for 10 days.
If a student or staff member is exposed to COVID, there is no need to stay home, unless s/he develops symptoms. If you have any questions, please contact your physician or your school nurse.
If a student or staff member is exposed, should they quarantine?
Quarantine is no longer recommended no matter the vaccination status. It is recommended the individual masks for 10 days and tests on day 5 and at any point if they begin to experience symptoms. Since we are not asking that you report a close contact, this will be based on individuals choosing to state they have been a close contact and then masking.
If a student or staff member is exposed, will we send home a letter?
With quarantining no longer recommended and contract tracing not being conducted, we will not send a letter home to parents or to staff if a student or staff member has come in contact with a positive person. This is the same protocol we used at the secondary level last year and will now start at the elementary level.
Run with Carl! Funds raised from the ½ mile, 5k and 5 mile race benefit the Pleasant Valley Educational Foundation’s scholarship program! This year the PVEF will award more than 130 scholarships to graduating seniors! Run with Carl and support our seniors! Sign up for this Labor Day event here!
Wall of Honor: The Wall of Honor Program was established in 1999 to recognize distinguished alumni who have graduated from Pleasant Valley High School. Nominees must have graduated 10 years or more prior to induction and must meet the following criteria:
Academic Success
Outstanding success in their career
Distinguished human service
Induction ceremony is held in November each year. Click here to nominate a Spartan by Sept 1, 2022!
August 29 6th Grade Campout Meeting at Forest Grove Elementary, 6:00pm September 5 No School September 5 Run with Carl. Register here to support PV Seniors. September 6 Virtual Curriculum Night September 7 Early Dismissal, 1:30pm
Did you know you can download your school’s calendar right to your digital calendar? Click here.
Final days to get your PV and Riverdale Heights swag here! Homecoming shirts included. Our sale proceeds benefit our school PTA:
Room Parents: If you are willing to act as a room parent for this school year, please sign up here. This year we are asking for just a Lead and Co Lead (two volunteers) per room who will coordinate the rest (snack and activities) with their classroom family and teacher. Please read the intro paragraph carefully before signing up!
PTA Meeting & Popsicles on the Playground: Save the date for our first PTA meeting and Popsicles on the Playground Tuesday, September 20th 5:30pm for popsicles, 6:30pm for our first PTA meeting of the year!
Spartan Stadium Reminder: Backpacks, outside beverage/food, artificial noisemakers and props are not allowed inside Spartan Stadium. Thank you in advance for leaving all of these items at home.
5th & 6th Grade Orchestra: Orchestra starts at the Junior High on Monday. As a reminder, Wisconsin is shut down from the City of LeClaire to the front of PVJH! We anticipate that it will open Wednesday the 31st.
Pleasant Valley Girls Basketball Saturday Youth Clinics: Click this form to learn about our fall youth girls basketball clinics. If you have any questions PLEASE email Coach Goetz at
Pleasant Valley Girls Youth Basketball Competitive AAU Program: If you have a daughter between 2nd-6th grade in the Pleasant Valley School District that is NOT on a competitive AAU team for basketball and is interested in joining, please fill out this google form. If you have already filled this form out please do NOT fill it out again!! If you have any questions PLEASE email Coach Goetz at This form is due by Monday, September 11th, 2022.
X-Plosion 10U BASEBALL is looking to round out their team for the 2022/2023 season. This is a first year travel team, and will consider all players and positions. If you have an interested player who is 10 on or before May 1, 2023 please reach out to us at, we would love to include them in an open practice!
Cheer Youth Clinic: Register for the September 25th clinic on the parent portal. Clinic participants will perform at the football game on September 30th
Platinum Youth Clinic: Register for the October 9th clinic on the parent portal. Clinic participants will perform at the football game on October 14th.
Join Cub Scout Pack 24! Calling all boys and girls K through 5th graders! Cub Scout Pack 24, invites you to join us on Saturday, August 27th at the Riverdale Heights playground from 1 - 4 for our fall field day full of games, crafts, raffles, and popsicles. Have fun and learn more about our pack. For more information click here or email: