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eNews 08.12.2022

Writer's picture: Riverdale Heights eNewsRiverdale Heights eNews

Dear Riverdale Heights Families,

New Start Time! This year all elementary schools will start at 8:25am! Make sure to set those alarm clocks a few minutes earlier!

Early Dismissals: This year, PV schools will dismiss early on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Kindergarten: On August 9, Kindergarten parents will receive a call from the school. At that time, they will learn when their kindergartner will start school and their teacher assignment. Half of the kindergarten class will attend on August 23rd and 25th (Tuesday/Thursday) and half of the kindergarten class will attend on August 24th and 26th (Wednesday/Friday). All students will attend on Monday, August 29th.

Teacher Assignments: Infinite Campus Parent Portal opens to access homeroom teacher assignments on August 16, 2022. To access the parent portal, please follow the following guides:

Bussing: If your student is riding the bus, you will learn your bus assignment through the parent portal. Bus assignments will be made in mid-August and we will alert you when they are available. Bus assignments could change up to the night before school starts, so check back often!

School Supplies: Click here for a complete list of necessary school supplies for the 2022-2023 year. If you ordered school supplies through the PTA, they will be available at Meet and Greet.

Food Service: The USDA has ended the free breakfast and lunch program. Your family may qualify for free or reduced-price meals by filling out the 2022-2023 Iowa Application for Free & Reduced Price School Meals/Milk. To begin your online free and reduced application, please log in to your Parent Portal Account here.

Elementary Breakfast and Lunch Prices

2022-23 Reduced Elementary

Breakfast: $1.70 - $0.30

Lunch: $2.50 - $0.40 Milk: $0.50 - $0.40

Run with Carl! Funds raised from the ½ mile, 5k and 5 mile race benefit the Pleasant Valley Educational Foundation’s scholarship program! This year the PVEF will award more than 130 scholarships to graduating seniors! Run with Carl and support our seniors! Sign up for this Labor Day event here!

August 16 Elementary Teacher Assignments Available on the Parent Portal August 22 Meet & Greet 4:30pm to 6:00pm Information to sign up for a time slot to come. August 23 First Day of School August 29 6th Grade Campout Meeting at Forest Grove Elementary, 6:00pm September 5 No School September 5 Run with Carl. Register here to support PV Seniors. September 6 Virtual Curriculum Night September 7 Early Dismissal, 1:30pm

Did you know you can download your school’s calendar right to your digital calendar? Click here.

Need PV/Riverdale Heights swag asap?! Check out this back to school sale which includes the homecoming shirt we are going to wear for the parade this year!(shirt is optional to walk in parade…we looked great last year wearing our shirts but it definitely is not mandatory!).

PTA Committee Lead Vacancies: Are you looking for a way to get more involved with Riverdale Heights and PTA? If so, contact PTA President, Adrienne Wheeler today to learn about open positions and see if they would be a great fit for you ( PTA is looking for a Scholastic Book Fair co-chair, a Fifth or Sixth Grade Parent to co-chair Pancake Breakfast and a Variety Show co-chair. These are all FUN ways to get more involved!

Amazon Smiles: When you or your family shops from Amazon, start at and choose Riverdale Heights PTA as your chosen group to support. This is an easy fundraiser as a portion of your every purchase will go to our PTA. To learn more visit: Amazon Smiles - (

PTA Reflections: Encourage your student to get a head start and participate in this long-standing PV tradition. This national arts program is PTA sponsored but created at home. This year’s theme is, Show Your Voice. Learn more by visiting: Reflections Arts Program | National PTA or e-mail PTA parent volunteer, Jessica Klemetson at

Robotics: Are you interested in coding? Programming? Designing? Problem Solving? Then FLL: Challenge (formerly Lego League robotics) may be for you! We are now forming teams of students in grades 5-6 at each elementary. If you are interested in joining a team, please fill out this form by August 20. We also need coaches at each of the schools! Parents, you do not have to know anything about robotics to coach! We have high schoolers willing to help out. If you are interested in coaching or have questions about the program, please contact Angie Brand at

AAU Youth Boys Basketball: There will be an AAU basketball organizational meeting on August 29 at 6:00pm in the PVHS Library for all players and coaches interested in forming a PV youth boys basketball team in grades three through six. This meeting will give information on how to reserve gym time, how to register for AAU, PV coaching clinic info, practice planning/coaching guidance, and league/tournament information. There is NO guarantee that your son will be placed on a team. We need volunteer coaches to start up new teams and a minimum of 7-8 players. If you currently have a PV AAU team, you do NOT need to attend. However, please send an updated team roster and coaches information to as soon as possible.

AAU Youth Girls Basketball: If you have a daughter between 2nd-6th grade in the Pleasant Valley School District that is NOT on a competitive AAU team for basketball please fill out the google form, if you have ANY interest in having your daughter involved. If you have any questions PLEASE email Coach Goetz at This form is due by Monday, September 11th, 2022. Thanks! FORM

Spartan Store: The Spartan Store will be having a Back-to-School sale on Saturday, August 20th from 9-1! Lots of new markdowns and some new items too. The Spartan Store is located in the high school across from the pool.

Homecoming 2022: Spartan Assembly is selling Homecoming shirts from August 12th-August 21st. Short sleeve shirts are $15 and long sleeve shirts are $20. Shirts will be shipped on September 5th and will be delivered to your house by September 9th. Buy a shirt and show your Spartan pride!

Tour de LeClaire Big Wheel Races - Saturday, August 20: Sponsored by the River Valley Optimist Club, come down to LeClaire Levee and join in the fun! Races are for 3-6 year olds. Sign up begins at 8:00am and races start at 9:00am. Six lucky participants will go home with a big wheel!

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