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eNews 02.17.2023

Writer's picture: Riverdale Heights eNewsRiverdale Heights eNews

Dear Riverdale Heights Families,

Menu Update: Note the update to Tuesday’s Lunch menu. Hot: Soft shell taco Alt: Chocolate chip muffin, Trix Yogurt, string cheese

Transition to PVJH: We would like to invite you and your child to a meeting on one of the following dates in the junior high school gymnasium to begin assisting with the transition of your child to Pleasant Valley Junior High School. Due to space restrictions, we are limiting attendance to 2 members per family (2 Adults or 1 Adult and 1 Student).

Tuesday, February 21st from 7:00-7:45 pm OR Wednesday, February 22nd from 7:00-7:45 pm.

This session will be an opportunity to meet the junior high counseling staff and administration to discuss programs, policies, and procedures at Pleasant Valley Junior High School. We hope to address all of your questions and concerns through this forum.

Course selection and course information will be provided to all 6th grade students at the elementary conferences.

Attention 6th grade families: Iowa Immunization Law requires all students entering 7th grade to have one dose of Tdap vaccine and one dose of Meningococcal vaccine. When you’re at the doctor, ask for an updated immunization form. Please get your school nurse a copy of that updated form. The State of Iowa allows NO grace period for the start of the school year. Students without evidence of these vaccinations or an immunization exemption certificate on file will be unable to attend school in August until the requirement is met.

Read Across America Week: Join us for a week to celebrate reading!

February 27: PV Reads! Wear PV Gear

February 28: Reading Makes Us Bright! Wear Neon

March 1: Read Our Shirts! Wear a shirt with words

March 2: Hats Off to Reading Day! Hat Day

March 3: Cuddle Up Read! Wear PJs or Comfy Clothes

February 20 No School, Presidents Day February 21 PTA Meeting, 6:30pm February 23 Elementary Conference Set Night & Book Fair March 1 Early Dismissal, 1:30pm March 3 Variety Show

PTA Meeting: Join your Riverdale Heights community for our upcoming PTA Meeting. The meeting will take place in the school library on Tuesday, February 21st at 6:30PM. Meeting agenda posted here: February 2023 PTA Meeting (

Scholastic Book Fair: Get ready to help your student next week find their next favorite book at the Riverdale Heights Scholastic Book Fair! The book fair takes place February 22nd and 23rd. To view the student and parent shopping schedules, load money into your student’s eWallet (eliminates bringing cash to school to shop) and even get a preview of the fair visit our Scholastic Book Fair website today. Book Fair Homepage (

Postseason Athletic Events require a digital ticket at PVHS and on the road. Girls Basketball digital tickets can be purchased here and Boys Basketball digital tickets can be purchased here. There will be NO cash sales at PVHS or on the road.

Girls Basketball Gear: PV’s girls are the MAC Champions! Celebrate with some PVGBB gear!


Bettendorf Parks and Recreation:

Babysitting For Success! Ages 10-14 learn to care for other children safely Click here to register by February 12.

Frosty Four Fun Run! Join the fun on February 26. A portion of the proceeds benefits the Bettendorf Police Department's Free Bike Helmet Program! Click here to register!

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