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eNews 10.14.2022

Writer's picture: Riverdale Heights eNewsRiverdale Heights eNews

Dear Riverdale Heights Families,

Conferences: We are excited to share your student's progress with you! Elementary Conferences will be held Tuesday, November 1st - Friday, November 11th. Teachers have blocked availability over the course of those two weeks to meet with our families. November 3rd will serve as the district set night, with conferences being held from 3:30pm - 8:00pm. We would like to invite you to sign up for an onsite conference during that time. If that date is not possible for your family to come to the school, please look at the registration link and choose another time your child's teacher is available. All conferences scheduled through the link will be held in person.

How to sign up for a Conference:

  • Click this link

  • Choose the teachers you would like to meet with.

  • Enter your student’s first and last name, your email address and name.

  • The system will send you a confirmation email. Click on the link in the email to see available times.

Automatic Reminders:

  • The system will send you a confirmation email with the date and time you have reserved. That email will include a link that allows you to change your appointment time, if you need to.

  • The system will send you a reminder a few days before your conference.

If you do not have access to a computer, please contact your child’s teacher to schedule your conference. The conferences will be scheduled for 20 minutes in length, and we ask teachers and families to keep to the time allotment, so it does not impact other schedules.

Read at Riverdale Heights: The United Way’s Read United program has started and we’re looking for volunteers to read to Riverdale Heights students. It’s just once a week for 30 minutes and it makes a big difference for our young readers! Click here to volunteer!

Halloween Parties will be at the end of the day on Monday, October 31. We will limit in-class visitors to the two PTA room parents. However, all families are invited to our outside parade at 2:10pm – weather permitting. As a reminder, please have your child choose a costume that brings out the best in them. No weapons, gory costumes or depictions of characters that harm children. We want everyone to have a fun time and not worry about being too scared. If you have any questions about costume choice, don’t hesitate to reach out. We can't wait to see your creativity.

Learn about PV’s Scholarship Program: Imagine if there were a scholarship for every PV student. There could be - and you could help make it happen. The Pleasant Valley Educational Foundation is hosting an informal workshop to discuss the scholarship program and the opportunities available to invest in PV’s students. Join us on November 16 at 6:30pm in the PVHS Commons. RSVP to Beth Marsoun at

October 17 Flu Shot Clinic October 18 PTA Meeting, 6:30pm October 19 Early Dismissal, 1:30pm October 21 No School October 21 PVHS Children’s Haunted Theatre October 24 No School October 26 & 27 PTA Reflection entries due October 28 PTA Trunk or Treat

Download our calendar here.

PTA Meeting: The monthly PTA meeting will take place Tuesday, October 18th at 6:30 in the school library. The meeting agenda can be found here.

Trunk or Treat: Sign up today to participate with a trunk in trunk or treat on Friday, October 28th. To learn more visit:

Scholastic Book Fair: It is almost time for the Riverdale Heights Scholastic book fair! Join our volunteer team and sign up to help make this year’s fair a success.

PTA Reflections: Do you enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then join us and have fun unleashing your inner artist with PTA Reflections! This year’s theme, “Show Your Voice!” calls for your own unique interpretation through the arts. Click here for How to Enter, Official Rules and Entry Form. Reflections projects are due to your school on October 26th and 27th. A Reflections chairperson will be present to collect entries before school on October 26th and 27th.

For inspiration, please visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships at Questions,please email:"

All Postseason Athletic Contests will require a digital ticket - no cash sales at home or on the road. Volleyball and Girls Swimming/Diving will be using Varsity Bound and Football will be using HomeTown ticketing. Stay tuned Spartans for more information.

Football Playoff Shirts: Clickhere to get your PV Gear!

Student Hunger Drive: Help Spartan Assembly reach their 100,000 lb goal. Donate cans or money to your child's classroom. Don't like to shop, donate online using this LINK.

Hour of Code: The PVHS Women in STEM club is proud to provide a free after school opportunity for all 3rd & 4th Grade students called “Hour of Code”. The Hour of Code is a brief introduction to computer science. Learn more and register for the October 19th event here.

Baseball Jersey Sale: Are you interested in having your own game worn Pleasant Valley Baseball jersey? Come to the baseball complex front gate next Friday, October 14th from 530-630pm before the varsity football game to purchase your own jersey! Email with any questions or reserving your own jersey.

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